The FTC Is Hamstringing Health Care Innovation

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) speculative merger challenges are hampering innovation across the U.S. economy, including sectors critical to our global competitiveness.  Tech, aerospace, microchips, the metaverse, and cloud gaming all have seen the FTC challenge vertical mergers grounded in hypothetical theories of “potential competition” rather than actual evidence of competitive harm.  Even worse, the FTC has been refusing to work with the merging companies to address any genuine competitive concerns. […]

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Celebrating America’s Small Businesses: Unleashing Potential and Tackling Challenges

Hats off to America’s 33.2 million small businesses! These enterprises are the very backbone of our economy and the embodiment of American values. Not only do they play a crucial role in job creation, employing nearly half of the nation’s private workforce, but they also drive innovation while supporting our local communities in dozens of different ways. […]

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