Foiled Russian Cyberattack Targeted Small Businesses, Home Offices – But Congress Pushes to Weaken U.S. Tech

The FBI recently announced its removal of Russian malware from thousands of computer networks across the globe. While this short-term threat was addressed, some in Congress continue to push an anti-tech agenda that would undermine companies making the largest investments in cybersecurity protections – leaving the United States and our allies more vulnerable. […]

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How Congress’ Anti-Tech Political Agenda Could Aid Russia and China’s Assault Against Democracy

As Russia and China join in an authoritarianism alliance to undermine democracy across the globe, most evidently in Ukraine, American technology stands as a bulwark against their efforts. Yet driven by an anti-Big Tech political agenda, some in Congress are intent on crippling America’s ability to innovate – a central element of our country’s defense against autocracy. […]

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