One Year After Russia’s Invasion: The Important Role U.S. Tech Companies Play in Advancing Democratic Values

February 24, 2023, marks the one-year anniversary of Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. One critical lesson from this past year is that America’s technology industry not only is a vital element of our national security and prosperity, but it is also a powerful and proactive force when it comes to defending and advancing democratic values. […]

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Job One for Congress: Ensuring America Wins the Technology Innovation Race Against China

China is America’s greatest geopolitical threat. 

Consider Beijing’s efforts to undermine the U.S.-led international order, its export of authoritarianism, mercantilist economic policies, military threat to Taiwan, and human rights abuses at home. And key to China’s success in achieving its aims, and key to our stopping them, is the race for global tech supremacy. […]

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A Cautionary Tale For U.S. Policymakers

By: Doug Kelly As Europe’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) takes effect this week, U.S. policymakers should watch closely. At a time when techno-autocracies are fighting to take the lead in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing and 5/6G, it is more important than ever that the United States and our allies maintain our technological […]

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U.S. Private Sector Tech Companies Critical to Defending America from Cyberattacks

Each October, National Cybersecurity Month serves as a critical reminder about the growing persistence and sophistication of cyber threats to every aspect of American society. In the first half of 2022, there were more than 817 reported data breaches in the United States alone. Unfortunately, cyberattacks are only expected to increase, with global costs from cybercrime expected to hit $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. […]

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