Obstacles to America’s Tech Leadership: China, Europe, and U.S. Policymakers

While China and the United States are engaged in a high stakes contest for global technology leadership, America’s tech industry is coming under renewed attacks – not just from Beijing, but from European policymakers and bureaucrats in our own country. These dangerous actions at home and abroad undermine America’s ability to innovate and compete against China, and threaten to jeopardize our national security, our economic prosperity, and our values. […]

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5 Things To Keep In Mind As U.S. Tech Leadership Is Challenged On Three Continents

America’s global technology leadership is under a multi-front attack. Last week, as the European Union (EU) announced tough new restrictions primarily on American technology companies, China announced the creation and deployment of a new advanced microchip. This week, as the U.S. Department of Justice begins an antitrust lawsuit against one of America’s largest innovators, Congress will hold hearings on how to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) tools being developed by American tech companies. Given this three-continent challenge to American innovators, it’s important to keep five things in mind, especially as we head full-speed into the 2024 election season.  […]

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How Europe’s Digital Markets Act Undermines American Tech Leadership and Helps China

Today, while China and the United States engage in a no-holds barred contest for global technology leadership, America’s allies in the European Union (EU) applied onerous new regulations on the U.S.’s leading tech companies as part of its Digital Markets Act (DMA). This move not only will stifle innovation, but it will also jeopardize the West’s collective security and hand China a significant edge in the tech race. […]

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America and Her Allies Must Lead the Fight Against Digital Authoritarianism

Today’s internet is a digital dynamo that helps billions of people find their voice and easily access new information, education, and economic opportunities. The internet as we know it, however, is under assault from authoritarian regimes that want to censor and control people online – including here at home. In the face of these threats, America and its allies must preserve the world wide web as a tool for freedom, not oppression.  […]

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The FTC Is Hamstringing Health Care Innovation

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) speculative merger challenges are hampering innovation across the U.S. economy, including sectors critical to our global competitiveness.  Tech, aerospace, microchips, the metaverse, and cloud gaming all have seen the FTC challenge vertical mergers grounded in hypothetical theories of “potential competition” rather than actual evidence of competitive harm.  Even worse, the FTC has been refusing to work with the merging companies to address any genuine competitive concerns. […]

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