As we honor and celebrate Black History Month, we must reflect not only on the past struggles and triumphs of the Black community but also on current opportunities and challenges, especially in entrepreneurship. […]
AEP Releases New Ad: “Taylor”
The American Edge Project, a coalition of two dozen domestic organizations, today launched “Taylor”, a new ad highlighting the critical role of American technology in empowering small businesses. […]
A Tale of Two Continents: Lessons from Europe’s 5G Shortfalls
Europe’s dreams of global 5G leadership have been sabotaged by its own rigid regulatory regime. […]
Same Day Cyber Showdown: U.S. Halts Chinese Hackers as Warnings Echo in Congress
On the very same day a Congressional hearing detailed the “real-world harm” Chinese hackers planned for America, U.S. law enforcement officials thwarted a massive Chinese hacking campaign targeting critical U.S. infrastructure. […]
How the US could surrender the battle for a free internet
For decades, the government has championed the free flow of information across borders, a principle anchored in America’s commitment to liberty and the First Amendment. This stance has been a cornerstone of foreign policy, supported across political ideologies and technologies ranging from word processing to artificial intelligence. […]
American Edge Project Releases 2024 Toolkit To Advance And Promote American Innovation
As the second session of the 118th session of Congress gets under way, the American Edge Project (AEP), a coalition of two dozen domestic organizations, today released a new toolkit outlining the urgent need to advance American innovation in the face of rising competitive threats. […]
Will Short-Sighted Regulators Hand America’s Tech Title Over to China?
As China makes rapid gains in artificial intelligence (AI) and begins wiring the world to easily adapt its version of AI, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are in deep discussions on which agency should take the lead in investigating U.S. AI companies for alleged anticompetitive activities, according to a new report from POLITICO. […]
Four Ways the Federal Trade Commission Can Help America Win the Global Tech Race
America and China are locked in an intense competition for global technology leadership. The stakes are high, as the victor will gain a long-term advantage in national security, economic growth, and global influence through the advancement of their values. To prevail, America’s elected officials, policymakers, regulators, and private sector must act in a coordinated, united fashion to maintain U.S. technological supremacy, especially in emerging technologies that will be crucial to our security and prosperity. […]
AEP Releases New Ad: “Jay”
The American Edge Project, a coalition of two dozen domestic organizations, today launched a new ad highlighting the critical role American technology plays in driving U.S. economic growth, transforming the agricultural industry, and supporting the livelihoods of families and businesses across the nation. […]
As US positions with China, we must prioritize technological advantages over diplomatic wins
In the realm of international diplomacy, where brief moments can lead to lasting consequences, U.S. leaders must remain steadfast in their commitment to winning the race for global tech domination. […]