Highlights Importance of U.S. Leadership in AI and Innovation

WASHINGTON, DC — The American Edge Project (AEP), a coalition of nearly two dozen domestic organizations, will premiere its latest ad, “Sarah,” during the first presidential debate on CNN this Thursday, June 27. AEP’s advertisement is one of eight spots that will run nationally during the debate.

The ad underscores the imperative of maintaining U.S. leadership in artificial intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technologies.

Featuring Sarah, a seasoned tech industry veteran and founder of a successful software company, the spot highlights American innovation in AI and its significant potential impact on small businesses. It also addresses the competitive challenges posed by foreign rivals, particularly China, in the AI sector, urging leaders to protect America’s competitive edge.

“American leadership in artificial intelligence is crucial for the future of our economy and the success of small businesses across the nation,” said Doug Kelly, CEO of the American Edge Project. “However, we must not overlook the threats posed by China and other foreign adversaries aiming to surpass us. That is why U.S. policymakers must strengthen domestic innovation and preserve our competitive edge in these vital technologies. The stakes are too high for us to get it wrong.”

Watch “Sarah” here.


“I’ve spent my career working in tech…

“And today, I run my own software company.

“I’m excited about the future of American innovation, especially with artificial intelligence, where the U.S. currently leads the world.

“American researchers are making exciting new discoveries…

“And U.S. companies are investing billions in AI solutions that will strengthen small businesses.

“But foreign competitors like China want to surpass America in AI.

“Our leaders need to protect America’s competitive edge.”


The American Edge Project is a coalition of domestic organizations representing a cross-section of U.S. innovators who are dedicated to telling the story about technology’s positive influence on America’s economy and the vital role innovation plays in our society. Former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, former U.S. Representative Chris Carney, and former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley A. Smith are directors of the American Edge Project. AEP’s National Security Advisory Board is comprised of Former White House Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend; retired four-star General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., United States Marine Corps (USMC), who served as former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and former Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Michael J. Morell. Former U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) serve as Co-Chairs of the Project’s Economic Advisory Board. Former U.S. Representative Greg Walden (R-OR) and Former U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) serve as Co-Chairs of the Project’s Open & Accessible Internet Advisory Board.

Visit AmericanEdgeProject.org for more information. 
